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A shrew in the woodpile?


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  • A shrew in the woodpile?

    Just been out to chop some sticks and spotted a lil dark brown thing run under the woodpile! Now I've spotted it (or another it) once before a few days ago, it was dark brown, very small and (looking from above) had a 'flat' look about it.

    I think it's a shrew and the only reason I'm slightly bothered is that the woodpile is in the garage and I don't really want to find mice nesting in there! I figure if its a shrew its come in from the cold (ala Smiley stylee! ) and will leave again come springtime.

    Whaddya think?
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower

  • #2
    Reckon you're right Manda shrews are fabulous beasties.

    Dwell simply ~ love richly


    • #3
      What do you know about shrews BW, you're the knowledgable sort!
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #4
        Live fast, die young!
        Varieties: Common, pygmy and water
        Water shrews are very unusual in that their bite is poisonous . You won't find them in your wood pile though


        Dwell simply ~ love richly


        • #5
          Originally posted by Birdie Wife
          Live fast, die young! ...

          Me or the shrew? Its too late for me!

          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • #6

            common shrew, very cute, wif lil long noses
            Vive Le Revolution!!!
            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


            • #7
              I had something like this nesting in the compost heap on the lottie - thought it was mice at first but after looking at your pic think they could be shrews instead. Very cute, run very fast!
              Attached Files
              Many people have eaten in my kitchen & gone on to lead normal, healthy lives.


              • #8
                They are real sweeties. We spotted a squashed one on the road once on a walk with the school kids (when I was still a Worker!) I told the children what it was, and all about them, but one little lad went back and told his Ma very excitedly that we'd seen a dead shoe! She was totally puzzled till we explained!
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


                • #9
                  yep that be a shrew.


                  • #10
                    Just been reading up about these on the BBC website -
                    (BBC - Science & Nature - Wildfacts - Common shrew)

                    "Common shrews are insectivorous and carnivorous, feeding on insects, slugs, spiders, worms and carrion. They need to eat 80-90 per cent of their own body weight in food daily. "
                    So probably good to have on an allotment then, despite the fact they eat worms!

                    And - "When disturbed from the nest, young common shrews will sometimes follow their mother in a caravan fashion, using their mouths to hold on to the tail of the sibling in front."
                    Awww, cute!!

                    Also - "British shrews are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and it is an offence to kill them without a special licence. "
                    Not that I'd want to, anyway!
                    Many people have eaten in my kitchen & gone on to lead normal, healthy lives.


                    • #11
                      Could also be a field vole, they don't have big ears like mice but shorter noses than a shrew. Can't really see how long their noses are in the picture. We occasionally see a vole popping into the rabbit run to nick snacks.


                      • #12
                        Had voles nesting in the greenhouse last winter but they went after I did my spring clean. I don't know if I've got them this year, as I'm trying not to disturb till the weather gets better (I wish).
                        I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


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