After battling with the corner of my 90ft by 45ft allotment for the last two years and getting nowhere with the bramble, bind weed and ancient apple tree (not to mention the rubbish and plumbing equiptment that the plumber in the posh house over the fence has thrown over
), I have finally conceeded defeat and am now turning my attention to making it a special home for all the wildlife.
I have made a large pile from ancient half rotten logs for the insects to take refuge in and left the brambles which are a particular favourite of the blackbird and thrush. My next step is to get some feeders and nest boxes down there. At the other end I have made a pile of rubble, bricks and clay that was dug out and this is going to be left to the wildlife also.
When you take a minute to look it is amazing what lives down there....if only I had considered the wildlife in the first place I could have saved two years hard work - hope they like it....
Have a wren nesting in the shed for the 2nd year running - feel so proud of her!

I have made a large pile from ancient half rotten logs for the insects to take refuge in and left the brambles which are a particular favourite of the blackbird and thrush. My next step is to get some feeders and nest boxes down there. At the other end I have made a pile of rubble, bricks and clay that was dug out and this is going to be left to the wildlife also.
When you take a minute to look it is amazing what lives down there....if only I had considered the wildlife in the first place I could have saved two years hard work - hope they like it....
Have a wren nesting in the shed for the 2nd year running - feel so proud of her!
