Was wandering the garden with the mogsy (she likes the company) when I noticed a bumble on the grass. Sleepy and doing nothing. Which is fair enough as it is cold day after all.
But when I got close, I noticed a ring of brown dots on her thorax - and on close inspection the poor little darling was covered in Varroa mites.
I whisked her away off the grass and with camera at side anyway, grabbed some photographs....whilst deciding whether to oxalic acid treat her or what (not that I have any prepared yet).
.........and then she flew off. Attached a couple of quick snaps to show how bad an infestation it was. Sorry not crystal clear but had seconds to snap.
This is not a good sign at the start of the year for the Bumbles here

But when I got close, I noticed a ring of brown dots on her thorax - and on close inspection the poor little darling was covered in Varroa mites.

.........and then she flew off. Attached a couple of quick snaps to show how bad an infestation it was. Sorry not crystal clear but had seconds to snap.
This is not a good sign at the start of the year for the Bumbles here
