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Can anyone help me identify this bird?


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  • Can anyone help me identify this bird?


    I have just had a little visitor to my garden and wondered what it was.
    It was like a robin (same size,red breast) but had a black neck and a white face!
    I thought at first it had a piece of bread but it was definatly not this and was part of its face.
    I did'nt have enough time to get my camera but wish i had been able to.
    Has anyone any ideas what it was?

  • #2
    My RSPB friend says it sounds most like an American Robin

    American Robin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Does that look anything like it? You could try the RSPB website, they have an identifier facility which is very good.


    • #3
      male chaffinch


      • #4
        definately not a chaffinch


        • #5
          *looking in book...*



          • #6
            Stonechat? although note quite as you have described.
            Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


            • #7
              Thanks becki

              The identifier on the rspb site is really great.
              I think it may have been a redstart? or maybe your friend is correct and it is an american robin .

              I used to do a little "birding" a few years ago so know some birds (thats why i dont think it was a chaffinch.It was the bright white face which caught my eye on this one.


              • #8
                A redstart ??


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sweepster View Post
                  *looking in book...*


                  The illustration on the rspb site of the male redstart looks a bit like it.
                  My camera is normally in the kitchen but of course i moved it elsewhere yesterday.....sods law.

                  I just wish i had got a photo,there's so many cats in this street that any sane birds get out quick!!! so i doubt it will be back.

                  Thanks for the help folks


                  • #10
                    Unlikely to be an American Robin, as they are a) very rare visitors and b) as big as a blackbird!

                    A redstart seems far more likely, and since partial albinism (random white patches) is not unknown in blackbirds, which are related, that might explain the white face!
                    Last edited by Eyren; 16-04-2009, 04:15 PM.


                    • #11
                      Whinchat? Very like a robin except for the facial markings.

                      Dwell simply ~ love richly


                      • #12
                        Anything like this? (Linnet)

                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #13
                          Again thanks for the replies folks

                          I do think now that it was a redstart and think eyren's explanation for the white area sounds plausible.
                          I only had a look at it for 20 seconds or so.I just hope it returns soon so i can get a photo.


                          • #14
                            Sounds like a winchat to me, does it look like this?
                            Attached Files

                            Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by digthatchick View Post
                              Sounds like a winchat to me, does it look like this?

                              The problem now is that my mind is now playing tricks on me!!

                              It may well be a winchat but my memory has the red belly as being a bright red rather than a dull red/orange that the winchat seems to have!!


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