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leaf-cutter bee


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  • leaf-cutter bee

    while in the greenhouse today, I discovered that a leaf-cutter bee has taken up residence in a pot containing a pepper plant. I watched for 20 mins as the bee repeatedly arrived carrying a small piece of leaf, disappeared down a hole in the soil surface and then reappeared and exited the greenhouse via the permanently open window vent. I understand that the leaf pieces are used the build egg cells/chambers.
    Fascinating to watch. Not sure if I'll get much of a crop from that particular plant if there's a bee burrowing around in the roots but quite happy to leave it bee (sic) if it's happy enough. Feel quite honoured really.
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  • #2
    I like how they seem to be able to cut a perfect half circle! They have been at a couple of my dahlias already, little sods lol


    • #3
      They are so fascinating to watch you forget and almost forgive the damage they leave behind.I did the same last year perkin,just sat and watched for ages as they lovely patterns from rose leaves in my garden.
      Gardening forever- housework whenever


      • #4
        The little tinkers have been at my blue berry bush, live and let live i say, the bit of damage they do fades in insignificance compared to the good, fascinating little creatures.


        • #5
          I am so glad that I came online today. For the past couple of weeks I have watched this small bee like insect carrying pieces of leaf into my tomato growbag. I have tried to find out what it is but had not had any success.

          They are indeed fascinating little creatures and am glad they have visited me. I not sure how the tomatoes feel about it but hey ho!


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