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Help! Bees in bedroom - what do i do??


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  • Help! Bees in bedroom - what do i do??


    just come in from the garden and found about 20 bees in the spare room (window open)...after carefully getting them out one by one with glass and postcard we thought job done and felt rather pleased with ourselves until...

    then we heard an ominous humming, almost like a generator!

    pretty sure we have bees swarming / nesting / whatever they do in the chimney of the spare room.

    the fireplace is loosely covered by a piece of wood but i daren't remove it - we just closed the door and ran!

    problem is the bees keep getting trapped behind the glass (only one side of the window opens), and we've lost a room.

    what should i do??

    please help!


  • #2
    Try contacting your local council, Im sure they have specially trained people for this.
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #3
      We had a swarm in the garden once and we found a local beekeeper in the phonebook. He came round and rehomed them.


      • #4
        Find a bee keeper - the Council might help - they will come and capture the swarm.
        A few years ago I had a swarm of about 11,000 turn up in my garden. The Council found me a bee keeper to come and get them. Fascinating process. The bee keeper didn't charge me anything as he got the swarm for free. Just stay out of the room until the professionals have been.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          Hope this helps. Kent bee keeping group and their swarms page. Tells you who your local swarm collector is. The police/council would indeed refer you to someone from that list, as described above.
          Swarms (Public Contacts) (Kent Bee-keepers' Association)

          Cheers and best of luck.
          "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" - Dorothy Parker


          • #6
            thanks guys
            have left a couple of messages with some keepers so we'll see what happens...
            they are quite quiet at the moment as it's a bit gloomy here, but i can definitely hear them buzzing away up the chimney!


            • #7
              Poor you!I'd be in a mad state of panic...I guess you can't even go out for the day as you need to hang about waiting for a phonecall.
              Hope you hear something soon & get them taken away!
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #8

                About 10 years ago i had them in my chimney, the local coucil wouldnt come out ! for health safety reasons they cant get on the roof. I had to ring a private firm that cost me about �135 i think. the man came all suited up, climbed on the roof, put something in the chimney and then up the chimney and got rid. he also sprayed something around the chimney as he said if he didnt they would come back the following year.


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