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Warning - extreme close-up bug photos - ladybird larva eating an aphid


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  • Warning - extreme close-up bug photos - ladybird larva eating an aphid

    I bought some ladybird larva online last week, and placed them around the garden and in my growhouse. Thought I'd probably never see them again, but found one today, guarding my first cucumber! And considerably larger than last week.

    It has just about finished this aphid I think!

    Quite a satisfying find!
    My Blog My flickr

  • #2
    Can't stand bugs of any kind - but there is a certain beauty/ugliness that they possess which I find fascinating.

    Sci-Fi of innerspace in our own back-yards.

    Great pics - fab magnification!


    • #3
      Ohh what camera are you using..?

      Nice pic.
      Blogging at.....


      • #4
        Amazing pics!
        AKA Angie


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I love taking photos of bugs, yet I'm terrified of some of them! Need to dig the camera out more - I haven't taken many shots for a while.

          I use a serious macro lens - Canon MP-E, it gives 1-5x lifesize magnification. Cost a fortune though and weighs a ton!

          This is my first year with a garden so it's great seeing more and more different bugs appear as we get to the height of summer.
          My Blog My flickr


          • #6
            Nice pics, and your lava works as well.

            Right.... Dear Santa i want..................
            Blogging at.....


            • #7
              Thanks seasprout. Hope to get some more shots of them as they grow, pupate and finally as ladybirds - before they fly off to a better garden!
              With a bit of luck they'll lay some eggs - god knows I've probably enough greenfly about to sustain a few zillion families of ladybirds!
              My Blog My flickr


              • #8
                Originally posted by onefivenine View Post
                god knows I've probably enough greenfly about to sustain a few zillion families of ladybirds!
                Think of it like this.............if you want to see Ladybirds, you need to have greenfly.

                A real chinese proverb says "people are sad when the see a rose has thorns, but they should be happy a thorn has roses.!"

                All this culture one one glass of wine tonight.! wow. I need a lie down.

                Anyhow, look forward to more pics. Can you do bees.?
                Blogging at.....


                • #9
                  I can try bees!

                  So far I've only managed a bum-shot on my broad beans weeks ago, but that was a brief encounter - there are loads of them around now. And loads of hoverflies too.

                  Think I'll try to capture some tomorrow - you've inspired me now, thanks again!

                  Last edited by onefivenine; 20-06-2009, 09:37 PM.
                  My Blog My flickr


                  • #10
                    I am well impressed by your photos good work


                    • #11
                      I have green fly but no ladybirds, i had one but she's flown off, boooo.


                      • #12
                        That bee pOrn is fab, more more more please

                        (what camera?)
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Thanks very much guys, appreciate the kind comments.

                          No bee shots yet today... but I am about to go sit in the garden for a bit and stalk some bugs!

                          TS - I use a Canon 1DmkIII.
                          My Blog My flickr


                          • #14
                            Spent a wee while outside and here's the best bee shot I managed. It's not the best angle - they are a very tricky subject. It requires a lot of time and patience to get a decent shot.

                            There doesn't seem to be as many insects about as yesterday but I did see a ladybird this morning, briefly, before it flew away.
                            My Blog My flickr


                            • #15
                              Beautiful photo.

                              Took a LOT of effort to type that due to my bitter, envious rage


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