Whilst clearing the rubbish at the back of the lottie before work today I moved a piece of soggy MDF and found a toad. (Chubby, rough skin, walked for cover - that is a toad, yes?) My sunken sink pondlet at the other end of the plot has wiggly tadpole things too! 
Anyhoo, I'm now in a quandry. The rubbish - plastic bags, paint cans, open bags of cement, more MDF etc - has to be moved. How can I tidy up without disturbing my tenant? Don't want to frighten something that eats slimey things away from Snail Central. There are slugs the size of Guinea Pigs here...

Anyhoo, I'm now in a quandry. The rubbish - plastic bags, paint cans, open bags of cement, more MDF etc - has to be moved. How can I tidy up without disturbing my tenant? Don't want to frighten something that eats slimey things away from Snail Central. There are slugs the size of Guinea Pigs here...
