Early last year I decided to add lots more Bee attracting plants to my Garden, Plants such as More Scabious, Lavender, Sea-holly, Delphiniums and many more to mention.
Not a bed planted out, but more just dotted around the garden in space I could find.
Today whilst mooching in the Garden I identified 5 Species of Bee and 3 Species of Butterfly in the garden, one butterfly species (the Gate keeper) I have never seen in my garden before.
I am quite pleased with myself.!
Going to dig up more lawn this autumn and plant yet more nectar rich species, also pop in a small wildlife pond. Well thats the plan.
Not a bed planted out, but more just dotted around the garden in space I could find.
Today whilst mooching in the Garden I identified 5 Species of Bee and 3 Species of Butterfly in the garden, one butterfly species (the Gate keeper) I have never seen in my garden before.
I am quite pleased with myself.!

Going to dig up more lawn this autumn and plant yet more nectar rich species, also pop in a small wildlife pond. Well thats the plan.
