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Death of a Goldfinch!


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  • Death of a Goldfinch!

    Had a death yesterday!
    Found a little Goldfinch, fully fledged under the feeder. I picked him up and he sat on my finger for an age, just placing his head back on his wing. Tried to put him amongst the flowers round the crab apple but he was having none of it, and went and sat in a plant pot. When OH got home 20 mins later I went to find it and he had gone to sleep for a final time.

    It seemed such a shame as he was such beautiful little thing. He has a proper burial with OH, me and two dogs in attendance, and is now laid to rest next to the Agapanthus which currently looks nearly as spectacular as he did, I thought it was a fitting place.

    So so sad

    Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
    Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!

  • #2
    What a shame, they are beautiful birds.


    • #3
      A peaceful end perhaps, not ripped apart by a raptor.

      Perhaps it had an infection...?

      Sad all the same, they are Beautiful Birds.
      Blogging at.....


      • #4
        May have starved to death?
        Did you see it's parents arround?


        • #5
          If they all lived, Sprocket, we would be beating them off and declaring them pests! Well done you, though for your kindness, I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed.


          • #6
            Perhaps it had flown into something and damaged its neck, or the shock got to it. Such a shame, but you couldn't have done any more for it.


            • #7
              That is very sad, but at least it knew someone cared before it popped off. We get lots of little ones flying into windows, and a couple of fatalities. All you can do is try. We had a success with the gold crest pictured. It was the first and only one I've ever seen, so was particularly special.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                We had a young sparrow a few weeks back (not as special as a goldfinch, but cute nevertheless) fly into our back window. I went out to see what the thud had been and found it sitting on the patio underneath the window. There were lots of other birds around in quite a flap so I thought its parents would be among them. While I was standing there holding it in my hands, wondering where I could put it for safety as we have a Jack Russell and a cat, also lots of other cats in the area, my daughter came out to see what I was doing. She asked if she could hold it, so I gave it to her to hold. After about 3-4 minutes it suddenly flew off. I guess the warmth of our hands had revived it enough from its shock. I hope it survived after that, and learned its lesson about flying into windows.
                When we first moved in there were quite a few different birds that flew into the uncovered window, until I got the blinds up. One left a very attractive bird shaped print on the glass! I think the blinds were enough to make them realise there is something there that they cant fly through.
                Better luck next time Sprocket. Well done for trying. If it was badly injured or too young then it didn't have a hope really so don't feel bad.

                �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                • #9
                  Windows are a real problem for birds ... even my budgie and African Grey still try to fly through glass.

                  I've got blinds up now, and keep the patio one drawn as we get lots of birdies in the back garden.
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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