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Yesterday this blackbird was in my garden but it doesn�t have a yellow beak & it looks like a male because it�s black,maybe it�s from a colder country & it�s come over here? The male English blackbird here chases the starlings away,this blackbird was sat there for over ten minutes eating & the starlings were going right up to him & he didn�t mind them at all
Location : Essex
Originally posted by Jungle Jane View PostYesterday this blackbird was in my garden but it doesn’t have a yellow beak & it looks like a male because it’s black,maybe it’s from a colder country & it’s come over here?
It is more likely just age, male blackbirds often have brown/black bills in their first year, only going yellow later, I have read different explanations, mostly to do with sexual maturity for breeding, females picking yellow to breed with. Interestingly diet can play a role between yellow and orange bills, a high diet of things like rowan berries can make a yellow bill bright orange.
Originally posted by Martin H View PostSorry about the picture quality, but I've not seen these guys in my garden before today. They are taking a great interest in the pyracantha berries. My best guess from my bird book is that they are fieldfares. Can anyone confirm / correct?
#...and the last time we had them, I think I posted on here - they stripped the berries off my two huge pyracanthas!Last edited by Scarlet; 02-03-2018, 04:46 PM.
Parakeets in snow
Rather incongruous. There are six. I've seen seen ten but they never wait for the camera.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/103667.../shares/654mwYRiddlesdown (S Croydon)
most birds are territorial to varying degrees some flock together others remain pretty solitary, obviously the weather and available food play havoc with that, blackbirds typically have a territory of up to an acre.
at one point this morning I had 11 blackbirds in my tiny but well fed front garden, not to mention a mistle thrush, several crows and robins and chaffinches and nuthatches and countless assorted tits.
hitchcock would have been proud.
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