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Wildlife photos please


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  • #76
    Originally posted by WrexTheDragon View Post
    Nice pic, looks like a Azure Hawker.
    I thought that but apparently you only get them in Scotland - have asked on the site that you mentioned the other day Wild About Britain


    • #77
      Wildlife Pics

      Just looking through some pics. Have a selection and will put up over next few days.

      This one was a black and yellow blob to the naked eye but the camera managed to magnify.
      Attached Files

      I have raked the soil and planted the seeds
      Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.


      • #78
        Originally posted by WrexTheDragon View Post
        Nice pic, looks like a Azure Hawker.
        It does look like a googled pic of an Azure Hawker so would be interested if your question gets a reply TEB.

        It's been windy hear but not sure windy enough to have blown one all the way down from bonny Scotland to less bonny Essex!

        I saw it (possibly a different individual but the same kind) again yesterday too. We're fairly close to the River Colne but no water in the garden or any of the gardens in the immediate vicinity.


        • #79
          Wildlife...of a sort

          Just wanted to show off my DD's Kestrel, Freya. Or, as she's known at home, The Meep. It's quite funny to hear her tell the DD off...Meep, meep meep MEEP!!



          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


          • #80
            Originally posted by julesapple View Post
            Just wanted to show off my DD's Kestrel, Freya. Or, as she's known at home, The Meep. It's quite funny to hear her tell the DD off...Meep, meep meep MEEP!!


            Absolutely stunning


            • #81
              Originally posted by vikkib View Post
              It does look like a googled pic of an Azure Hawker so would be interested if your question gets a reply TEB.

              It's been windy hear but not sure windy enough to have blown one all the way down from bonny Scotland to less bonny Essex!

              I saw it (possibly a different individual but the same kind) again yesterday too. We're fairly close to the River Colne but no water in the garden or any of the gardens in the immediate vicinity.
              Hi Viiki,
              this is a reply that I received:

              Posted by: Ollie
              On: 01-09-2009 10:13 PM

              The Common Hawker is a larger insect than the Azure, although this may be difficult to determine in the field.

              The Azure has no shoulder stripes where the Common has narrow yellowish shoulder stripes. The Azure has a golden brown costa (leading edge of the wing) The Common has a brighter more yellow costa.

              The spots on segment 9 of the body are square shaped on the Azure and more dome shaped on the Common.

              How diificult these featurees are to distinguish in the field I can't say as I have never seen an Azure only a Common.

              All the best,
              Wild About Britain
              This is the post in question Azure and Common Hawker - Wild About Britain


              • #82
                Jules - WOW! They are totally amazing pics!

                TEB - I'm with you, in that the pic doesn't really show the defining features very well and as I'm in Essex it's unlikely to be the Azure... mighty pretty beastie though... really fascinating.

                I heard David Attenborough on the radio the other day and he mentioned a time when dragonflies with two foot wing spans inhabited the earth. How scary would that be?!

                I think I prefer these smaller versions!


                • #83
                  My contribution
                  Attached Files
                  A bad days fishing is still better than a good day at work!
                  There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by vikkib View Post
                    It does look like a googled pic of an Azure Hawker so would be interested if your question gets a reply TEB.

                    It's been windy hear but not sure windy enough to have blown one all the way down from bonny Scotland to less bonny Essex!

                    I saw it (possibly a different individual but the same kind) again yesterday too. We're fairly close to the River Colne but no water in the garden or any of the gardens in the immediate vicinity.
                    It could also be a migrant hawker British Dragonfly Society - Migrant Hawker - what do you reckon


                    • #85
                      WOW.. Julesapple, she's beautiful, and so photogenic, is she tame???


                      • #86
                        Goodness she is absolutely beautiful, how old is she? how did your daughter come by her!


                        • #87

                          Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
                          WOW.. Julesapple, she's beautiful, and so photogenic, is she tame???
                          Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                          Goodness she is absolutely beautiful, how old is she? how did your daughter come by her!
                          My DD was doing the work experience required by her college course at our local falconry centre, the kestrel was gifted to her after she hatched her and reared her by hand. Freya is now completely 'imprinted' on my DD, so that the DD can do anything with her. She will always return to my daughter when they go flying.

                          Freya will never be tame in the way that a cat or dog would be tame, but my DD can kiss & cuddle her. Freya knows the other family members and will be picked up, talked to and fed by us, but wouldn't tolerate us the way she does my daughter.

                          She was hatched in April this year, and is still counted as a juvenile. After her first moult she will get her adult feathering. She weighs about 7ozs, and is quite big for a Kestrel.

                          The DD did photography to A Level, so we have some fab pictures of Freya and the other birds that the DD has hatched, as well as photos of birds from the falconry that have spent a few days with us when they've needed special care.


                          Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                          ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                          Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                          • #88
                            Your daughter is so lucky to have Freya trust her like she dose, it must be a wonderful feeling??


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
                              Your daughter is so lucky to have Freya trust her like she dose, it must be a wonderful feeling??
                              DD is a bit blase about it, but we are all, cheesy as it sounds, really awed by Freya's presence.

                              One of these days we'll cause a car accident...Freya goes everywhere with us, and sits on the headrest of the 'boot' seats, watching the traffic and the other birds. Watching her leaning in to corners is fabulous!! But the best fun is to be had watching the faces of other passengers or drivers - their faces just light up with surprise - it's so satisfying to see.

                              She has certainly made a difference to our every day lives. I'll go the whole hog with the cheesiness and say that it really is a priviledge to have her


                              Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                              ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                              Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                              • #90
                                Just thought i'd show you the size of the slugs in my garden..I think they've been going down the gym...


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