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Wildlife photos please


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  • Buzzards.

    The local buzzards were out in force yesterday. Sometimes up to 6 at a time soaring quite happilly together. I managed one or two decent shots. Not pin sharp as it needed a big mag, and thus, a slow shutter.

    Attached Files


    • The first of the year - and then another came along a few minutes later! I've never noticed the striped edge on the forewing before.
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      Le Sarramea


      • Not amused, found this in my compost bag

        It is like a bad joke. After copious amounts of beer something found this attractive.....

        Now as a single mum to be of 20-30 little ones she is already enjoying a free home, free heating and free food. Now she is planning her 2 week holiday in Florida!!!

        I will never understand how people can like these on any level


        • On a nicer note I had lots of bees and butterflies on the dahlias

          p.s don't say anything about the deadheading - I am seed saving! honest


          • Lovely, Norfolkgrey. But it's not fair, I've hardly seen one Red Admiral this summer, and there you are with a gang of them!
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • Heard a lot of squawking this morning and looked out to see this on my lawn:

              Is it a sparrowhawk? It had clearly caught and was killing some small bird. I tried to get closer but it flew away, taking its prey with it.
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              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • First time I have read this thread and some great pictures as well. I have to say Martins knowledge of moths and butterfly's is amazing


                • Just seen a black cap . First one I've seen in over 4 years. So it's a first for my Isle of Mull list. Sorry photo is really bad! Taken with my iPad through the window and zoomed in along way.

                  Attached Files


                  • Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                    Not amused, found this in my compost bag

                    It is like a bad joke. After copious amounts of beer something found this attractive.....


                    Now as a single mum to be of 20-30 little ones she is already enjoying a free home, free heating and free food. Now she is planning her 2 week holiday in Florida!!!

                    I will never understand how people can like these on any level
                    That's a leopard slug, they mostly eat dead plant material and fungi, and will also chase (top speed 6 inches per minute) and eat other slugs so they will help decompose all the stuff in your compost bag. I always pop any I find into my daleks.
                    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                    Endless wonder.


                    • Robin

                      Just happened across this pic, taken earlier in the summer.

                      This guy has been a regular visitor for 3 years now. When we were coaxing him to feed directly from our hands, mealworms proved the clincher; he loves 'em!

                      He grew bold enough that some mornings he would sit on the kitchen window sill and tap at the glass when he saw someone inside, in order to announce his presence (and get breakfast)!

                      The nest is usually nearby.

                      Hopefully he'll be back next year

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                      • Another robin picture, this very tame robin has recently started asking for food. Although judging by his expression I'm not too sure he appreciated having his photo taken

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                        The best things in life are not things.


                        • A few autumnal images (from a couple of years ago)
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                          The cats' valet.


                          • A wild duck on an (unusually) peaceful December sea.

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                            The best things in life are not things.


                            • Originally posted by Verinda View Post
                              A wild duck on an (unusually) peaceful December sea.

                              Ok am I being dim, I didn't think ducks done sea


                              • We often see ducks on the sea, they like water of every kind
                                The best things in life are not things.


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