seen this fascinating thing this afternoon,son and I were trying to get pics,aprox 3in long,1/2in thick,son went to pick it up,and droped it asp,it sort of raised it's head and rounded on him,it initialy was behaving like a snake would,it looks evil,when it moved the snout came out a bit like a short elehpants trunk,never seen the likes before,where our chin would be,it looks like lots of teeth,it was offered a blade of grass,it snatched it,as it son was holdind the blade up,the creature did a quick movement ans the blade was transfered to legs lower down,it gradually calmed down,
a friend wonders if it's a dragonfly to be,son says it feels silky,he was eventualy able to carefully hold it up,in the same was you would a snake,ughh
,i have some more pics,
pic1 showing snout....2 the teeth things underneith where it grabed the blade of grass...3 holding the grass...4holding the blade with the feet...5 streatching out,
a friend wonders if it's a dragonfly to be,son says it feels silky,he was eventualy able to carefully hold it up,in the same was you would a snake,ughh

pic1 showing snout....2 the teeth things underneith where it grabed the blade of grass...3 holding the grass...4holding the blade with the feet...5 streatching out,