There it was poor little mite, trapped in my cats water bowl......
A huge Bumble Bee - absolutely exhausted and soaking wet, almost dead'ed so I placed her on a piece of kitchen roll with a pink primrose flower and added a dob of my 'girls' honey and placed a roomy salad bowl over her! next to the stove she soon dried out and sucked up the honey with great gusto. I could see her rapidly beating her wings as if to get some heat going through her. Lifted the bowl and she started to fly. gently I popped her in a warm tea towel (idea being to put in the garden and prop open a corner so she could fly away when she was ready, this way she should not get cold to quickly) I took her outside- it was only 4deg this morning hence the warm tea towel idea. Well she flew out straight away hovered in front of me a while then started to spiral upwards and away.
HEAVEN - a happy headfry
hope she makes it ok
Sometimes its the simple things.......

HEAVEN - a happy headfry

Sometimes its the simple things.......