sat on the bench on sunday enjoying a cuppa watching loads of sparrows landing & taking off on one of the other plots when out of the wooded area a hawk shot out of the trees took one of them & was back in the woods before I could register what kind of bird it was. I'm presuming it was a sparrowhawk definately a bird of prey & at a city allotment, although we do have quite a wooded area at the top of the site. Poor sparrow but it was a spectacular to witness.
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But city pigeons must taste of stale chips and ciggy ends. Would you fancy one?Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
I have a regular sparrowhawk pair visiting the garden. Always difficult to watch though when an unlucky small bird gets caught and then plucked feather by feather - but that's nature. Apparently one of the best pigeon deterrents is the peregrine which is starting to become more common, even in cities.
Wonderful to see, they are such skilled aviators. In a past life many years ago I was a bus driver and whilst plodding along at about 30mph, a Sparrowhawk appeared in front of the bus. I didn't know what to do and before I knew it she'd vanished below the window. I was sure she'd gone under the bus, then seconds later she pulled away in front again and did a backwards roll over the hedge lining the road.... Amazing.Cryin won't help you, prayin won't do you no good!
I saw a sparrowhawk take a starling today on the bike home. A puff of starlings went up over me and I thought how lovely.
Then I saw what I thought was a seagull chick attached to a blackbird. Once my brain had deciphered what my eyes had seen, I realised it was a sparrowhawk, out of nowhere, who had snatched one of the starlings.
S/he landed over to my right, and I tried my best to get the kill on my bike's video recorder, but it was angled all wrong.
S/he then took it off to the tennis courts to pluck itAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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