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Relocating taddies (?)


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  • Relocating taddies (?)

    Just recently I managed to convince Himself that we really should get a small pond in the garden if we ever wanted to grow anything other than grass. The slugs have a monopoly in our back garden and we could do with some froggie assistance.

    When he finally agreed to it it was a little late as by the time we got it put in the frogspawn that his dad had given us from their ex-pond to put in the allotment pond (one we put in late last year) had all hatched.

    The taddies are quite fat now and the pond in the garden has started to go a bit green so would have some algae food type stuff. What I'd like to know is would it be a good idea to transfer a few from allotment pond to our garden one (they're both tiny) or would it shock/upset/traumatise them?

    I was reluctant to do this earlier as there was no algae for them to eat but it is greening up a bit now so was considering it. The alternative is to put up with slugs for yet another year maybe two (how much slugs to baby frogs eat anyway?). Sorry for the long ramble - any thoughts/opinions welcome
    Last edited by Shadylane; 11-05-2010, 12:20 PM.

  • #2
    Hi Shadylane,

    Have a look at this link to Froglife

    you may find it useful, in a nutshell its not a good idea to move frogspawn from one waterbody to another as you could introduce disease into a disease free pond. Plus they don't really travel well, best way is to make your pond attractive to frogs by providing the right habitat and they will find their own way to it.

    Hope you see this, its a bit later than when you posted your question, but i don't log on very often, so I have only just read your post.




    • #3
      What I did many years ago when I made my pond was to get some adult frogs from a friends pond and moved em in. They colonised it quickly.
      Save Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock. Coma and Painted Lady butterflies. Dont cut stinging nettles in summer.
      Only cut nettles grown in the shade.


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies peeps. To be honest I'd decided to leave em be. Our pond isn't quite ready for them yet I think. It's all Himself's fault for dragging his feet in deciding a pond was a good idea
        Hopefully the frogs will find it soon


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