I was just planting some Choy Sum seeds (Although the packet reference said CHINCAB so I won't be surprised if Chinese Cabbage grows there, but that's another story) and I noticed something that looked like a Rice Crispy on the soil.
After a quick inspection I decided to do what any logical, grown-up gardener would do and gave it a good squeeze to see how hard it was. It was just a little harder than a Rice Crispy, but had some white, moist content, very much like it was some kind of egg.
I searched the ground again and found another couple, anyone any ideas:
This one's cut in half to try and show contents, but my camera phone's macro function isn't the best.
After a quick inspection I decided to do what any logical, grown-up gardener would do and gave it a good squeeze to see how hard it was. It was just a little harder than a Rice Crispy, but had some white, moist content, very much like it was some kind of egg.
I searched the ground again and found another couple, anyone any ideas:
This one's cut in half to try and show contents, but my camera phone's macro function isn't the best.