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Frog in house


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  • Frog in house

    Not quite in the garden but close enough. With the recent warm weather we've had the patio doors open which lead into the conservatory which leads to the garden. So, as we sat down to tea tonight my son said: er, there's a frog in the house. Sure enough, in the middle of the carpet was a fat frog which had hopped in through the open door. I picked it up and put it in a shady part of the garden then closed the patio doors. Five minutes later there was a small thud and the same frog had nutted the patio doors trying to get back in. Don't know what it expected to find but this time I took it to the bottom of the garden and left it in a damp corner....and closed ALL the doors.

  • #2
    They are attracted by the light. Many a time I have opened the back door to find them queuing up under the back door light!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • #3
      We had a toad in our downstair's shower room the other day, huge great thing, god knows how it gone in there! As it was during the day and hot, it was probably trying to cool off by having a shower, but unfortunately couldn't reach the taps!
      Mr TK's blog:
      2nd Jan early tomato sowing.

      Video build your own Poly-tunnel


      • #4
        I had a frog in my house too, she was lovely!!

        Seriously though, I regularly get them, but the worst was when the ex Mme Leponge's daughter was asleep one evening, and Lord Toad had come through the catflap and was busy exploring her bedroom and woke her up. She wasnt at all impressed.

        The influx of cats reduced their numbers for a while but now there are no more cats living chez moi, the frog and toad numbers are again on the increase and I'm sure I'll get more indoors this year.
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #5
          My cats bring them in then lose them..... they turn up alive in all manner of odd places lol


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