Hi, i'm not an experienced gardener yet, and i only seem to be interested in plants that provide me with food. However i was looking around the garden the other day and noticed a big lack of colour and bees! i used to have a large bush with big purple flowers that the bees loved, however that died this year and so i haven't got anything for the bees to come for 
Does anyone have any idea what i should get, so to attract more bees? i have a large garden and can devote the whole front area of the house to the them. I know practically nothing about flowers or bushes etc
i'm off to visit Hugh Fearnley this weekend so if i don't reply, please don't think i'm being ignorant.
thanks Gareth

Does anyone have any idea what i should get, so to attract more bees? i have a large garden and can devote the whole front area of the house to the them. I know practically nothing about flowers or bushes etc
i'm off to visit Hugh Fearnley this weekend so if i don't reply, please don't think i'm being ignorant.
thanks Gareth