I was awoken this morning at 4-40am by our most beautiful garden songster
with his rich, sweet whistle our resident male Blackie. Sat on our shed roof
right outside our bedroom telling the world and anyone he had found his
territory, and any female Blackie who cared to listen could come and set up home with him
Ok, it was a tad early, but it's still a lovely way to be woken. Better than a dig in the ribs
Went out to feed him and the others their sultanas 6-30am and the boy sure had a spring in his step.
with his rich, sweet whistle our resident male Blackie. Sat on our shed roof
right outside our bedroom telling the world and anyone he had found his
territory, and any female Blackie who cared to listen could come and set up home with him

Ok, it was a tad early, but it's still a lovely way to be woken. Better than a dig in the ribs

Went out to feed him and the others their sultanas 6-30am and the boy sure had a spring in his step.