Really chuffed- we seem to have a sparrow hawk which visits from time to time
A couple of weeks ago it flew within 6 feet of us whilst we were sitting in the garden. It'd swooped down at some blue tits on one of our feeders- and narrowly missed colliding with the wall.
This lunchtime it swooped down INTO the chicken coop
( pigsty) to try and catch one of the sparrows which were nicking the chook feed.
OH rushed in to see if the 2 broodies were OK ( v spooked) and 2 very frightened sparrows came out of hiding and flew off.
It's certainly made me more aware of my future chick's safety!!!

A couple of weeks ago it flew within 6 feet of us whilst we were sitting in the garden. It'd swooped down at some blue tits on one of our feeders- and narrowly missed colliding with the wall.
This lunchtime it swooped down INTO the chicken coop

OH rushed in to see if the 2 broodies were OK ( v spooked) and 2 very frightened sparrows came out of hiding and flew off.
It's certainly made me more aware of my future chick's safety!!!
