HI All
Last year we put up a bee/lacewing box to try and attract some more beneficial instects into the garden. So far so good as quite a lot of leaf cutter bees were using the box ove summer. All of a sudden there is now a hive of activity (pardon the pun
) and at any given time, I can see 10-15 bees buzzing about the box going in and out of the holes. Unfortunately none of them sill stay still enough for me to identify them or get a pic, but look like some kind of honey-bee type thing. Could a colony of bees have set up house here, or is it a load more likely to be a ot of solitary type bees that just happen to all be around at the same time...have not a clue about this!!
Last year we put up a bee/lacewing box to try and attract some more beneficial instects into the garden. So far so good as quite a lot of leaf cutter bees were using the box ove summer. All of a sudden there is now a hive of activity (pardon the pun
