Hi, I've seen these two for the first time this year in my garden - both seem to be moving up from the south
This giant of a ladybird - think it must be a Harlequin

And I found a sleepy bee last week when it was cold and windy on my daughters climbing frame. Just got round to IDing it - and it turns out to be a tree bee - this is first time I've heard of it in yorkshire. Gave it some sugar water and it disappeared so I hope it flew away
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This giant of a ladybird - think it must be a Harlequin

And I found a sleepy bee last week when it was cold and windy on my daughters climbing frame. Just got round to IDing it - and it turns out to be a tree bee - this is first time I've heard of it in yorkshire. Gave it some sugar water and it disappeared so I hope it flew away
