I have mulched some of my garden with coregated cardboard and covered in bark chip to try and keep the moisture in.
A week ago I discovered some holes had appeared where something had dug through the bark and cardboard to the soil underneath - I'd not put any bonemeal or anything underneath so it was a mystery. These holes kept appearing over the last week, about 3 - 6 inch across. I finally caught them in the act yesterday
Can anyone guess what it was?
I have mulched some of my garden with coregated cardboard and covered in bark chip to try and keep the moisture in.
A week ago I discovered some holes had appeared where something had dug through the bark and cardboard to the soil underneath - I'd not put any bonemeal or anything underneath so it was a mystery. These holes kept appearing over the last week, about 3 - 6 inch across. I finally caught them in the act yesterday
Can anyone guess what it was?
