My eagle eyed 7yr old came across a tiny (1.5cmish snout to sting) little bumble bee, on its' back, on the lawn this morning. At first we thought it was dead but some judicious, careful and gentle poking with a twig, provoked some extremely feeble leg waving. The little chap was exhausted
Luckily, at the very back of my cupboard is a pot of honey, with a few scrapings left. I dipped a cocktail stick in the jar and placed it beside the bee. At this point I wasn't at all sure it would survive, as it was the weakest bee I've come across and we've revived a few over the last few years
Quarter of an hour later and the little bee was back on its' legs, trying its' wings and almost back to full strength. Absolutely amazing recovery - it always impresses me
As I believe that you get back what you put in (if you see what I mean), I like to imagine this bee will now have flown off to my courgettes, pumpkins, squashes and beans and will now be doing its' bit to help me
P.S. I know honey isn't the preferred rescue remedy of bee keepers (sugar disolved in water is the recommended tipple for exhausted bees so I'm told) but it was the quickest thing to hand and the bee was in dire straits.

Luckily, at the very back of my cupboard is a pot of honey, with a few scrapings left. I dipped a cocktail stick in the jar and placed it beside the bee. At this point I wasn't at all sure it would survive, as it was the weakest bee I've come across and we've revived a few over the last few years

Quarter of an hour later and the little bee was back on its' legs, trying its' wings and almost back to full strength. Absolutely amazing recovery - it always impresses me

As I believe that you get back what you put in (if you see what I mean), I like to imagine this bee will now have flown off to my courgettes, pumpkins, squashes and beans and will now be doing its' bit to help me

P.S. I know honey isn't the preferred rescue remedy of bee keepers (sugar disolved in water is the recommended tipple for exhausted bees so I'm told) but it was the quickest thing to hand and the bee was in dire straits.