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how do i get them to ....Bug off !


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  • how do i get them to ....Bug off !

    Dont get me wrong i love all insects, bugs and animals,
    ive seen a hedgehog in the garden last year once, ive seen loads of ladybirds and butterflys....even had a chricket live in my conservitory last summer.....BUT they still dont seem to be enough to eat all the greenfly, blackfly and horrid slugs and snails

    i dont want to spray them or use pellets, but i would like my cherry tree to stop curling up its leaves due to blackfly, my aubergines, cucumbers and other plants that get slim and munch marks in them and the greenfly that seems to love everything i grow.

    does anyone have a safe and healthy way of making them Bug off ?

    or any idea on how to increase the ladybirds and other insects in the garden that can eat them for me

    HOMEGROWN ..... Has to be the BEST FLAVOR EVER....

  • #2
    I'm out of time today, sorry.

    There are currently dozens of threads on Slugs & Snails, and greenfly/blackfly/aphids though ... have a rummage with the search button
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Well one thing I found in an aussie book recently - slugs like fermented things so not only beer but port wine (seems a waste really), or vegemite (another waste) or just regular yeast. And you can add cornflour to slow them down if they are swimming across it too fast. Not sure if the vegemite will work on uk bugs tho.......might need to use promite or marmite, whichever one it is you have there
      Yes there are lots of threads so I won't say any more.

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      Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

      One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

      Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


      • #4
        Oh thanks to you both ...sorry i didnt realise there was other theads...*blush*
        promise to look harder next time ehhehhehe
        HOMEGROWN ..... Has to be the BEST FLAVOR EVER....


        • #5
          and leave stuff over winter for the insects and stuff, and next sumer you'll hav e a bug free garden [that's if it doesn't keep rianing next year...]


          • #6
            Originally posted by askimgeorge View Post
            Oh thanks to you both ...sorry i didnt realise there was other theads...*blush*
            promise to look harder next time ehhehhehe

            lol !

            Did you think you were the first person to ever have slugs and snails

            I'm kidding ~ there are loads of threads running right now, because of all the rain we've had the population has exploded. I got 1055 of the boggers last night
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              hahhahhaha no i didnt think i was the only one with slugs and snails, just was embarrased for putting it in the wrong place LOL
              i guess my intent was to ask on how to incourage more wildlife into my garden hehehheheheh
              HOMEGROWN ..... Has to be the BEST FLAVOR EVER....


              • #8
                Originally posted by askimgeorge View Post
                i guess my intent was to ask on how to incourage more wildlife into my garden
                Oh, OK.

                You want MORE ladybirds etc? You have to give them something to eat then, which means turning a blind eye to some of the aphids. Keep on top of the populations though, and squish them in your fingers when they get too much.

                The predators come along later in the year, so you have to keep your nerve somewhat.

                Things that eat aphids:

                - sparrows, bluetits & other birds (so feed the birds all year round to attract them to your garden)
                - hoverflies (provide the adults with calendula, lilies etc)
                - ladybirds
                - lacewings (nocturnal, you'll rarely see one)

                Slugs & snails are a real problem this year, because it's been SO cool & wet. There aren't many things that eat them out of preference, although slow worms, hedgehogs, frogs & thrushes will eat them if everything tastier is scarce.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  hehheheh thanks
                  the slugs have managed to eat � of most of my plants just in the plasticgreenhouse
                  and every single lupin ive planted, so ive used slug pellets which i hate
                  because i cant give the snails to the chickens if they have been near the pellets

                  i will have to by some lilies see if that helps Thanks

                  was going to invest in a ladybird house ... do you know if they are any good ?
                  HOMEGROWN ..... Has to be the BEST FLAVOR EVER....


                  • #10
                    I don't think the bought wildlife houses are very good, no. But they look pretty.

                    I allow a bit (OK, a lot) of untidiness on my lotty ~ I leave sunflower & sweetcorn stalks to stand all winter and a lot of ladybirds hibernate in those
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by askimgeorge View Post
                      the slugs have managed to eat � of most of my plants just in the plasticgreenhouse
                      Have you done the torchlit slug patrol? You'll find loads at night, esp. after rain. Pick them off and drop them in a bucket of salty water. In the morning, pour it all on the compost heap
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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