A wild part of my garden seems to have been flattened in the last couple of days.. Bracken and brambles lying flat and it looks as if a horse or a sheep has been through it (both of these have happened)
Could it be badgers? I know they come into the garden as I've found snuffle holes and dung, and my neighbour saw one after a wasp nest in my compost heap 2 years ago.
There are overgrown patches that I seldom go into and they could be in there. Do badger setts smell? Would they be active at this time of year?
I really don't want a sett in the garden

Could it be badgers? I know they come into the garden as I've found snuffle holes and dung, and my neighbour saw one after a wasp nest in my compost heap 2 years ago.
There are overgrown patches that I seldom go into and they could be in there. Do badger setts smell? Would they be active at this time of year?
I really don't want a sett in the garden
