Washing the car at 6am this morning (no that's not early for me, I'd been up since 4am), I saw a yaffle on a rooftop 2 doors down. What drew him to my attention was his unbelievably loud call!

Not my pic BTW!
It was at least as loud as a crowing cockerel, if not louder, and set three dogs barking, which must have delighted owners and neighbours alike at that hour on a Sunday (but if folk WILL sleep with all windows wide open, they've got to expect their animals to hear sounds they wouldn't normally
He flew into a nearby damson tree, still calling, and then flew off back to the spinney.

Not my pic BTW!
It was at least as loud as a crowing cockerel, if not louder, and set three dogs barking, which must have delighted owners and neighbours alike at that hour on a Sunday (but if folk WILL sleep with all windows wide open, they've got to expect their animals to hear sounds they wouldn't normally

He flew into a nearby damson tree, still calling, and then flew off back to the spinney.