There were two mysterious blobs to the left of our ash tree, you can just see one of them near the top. Then one of them fell down into our guinea pig run! And it turned out to be a goldcrest wren nest. Imagine them nesting so high up, and such teeny weeny nests too, the chicks must be tiny!
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Goldcrest wren nest
They used to nest in a conifer that was right outside the front of the house, the branches touching the upstairs front window. I could watch the goldcrests in the branches - such beautiful tiny little scraps. One flew into the window and stunned itself. Somewhere I have a photo of it, in my hand, so small. It recovered and flew off later.
The conifer had to be cut down but the goldcrests are still around - didn't think they would nest in such an exposed location as your ash tree though. Amazing.
Goldcrests are like butterflies when they are fluttering about, firecrests are similar I think, must look them up.
I saw a flock of long tailed tits today, also very small and cute. I've never seen them before so was delighted.The best things in life are not things.
We have a large colony in the garden at work...long tail, coal, blue and great tits. Mixing nicely with the dunnocks and greenfinches.
One thing that is so good at the moment is when i get to work in the dark (the garden is floodlit), there are two or three song thrushes belting out their songs setting up their terratory. So good to hear on dark, cold, dreary mornings.
Long tail tits = fluffy ping pong balls on lolly sticks lolololPlease visit my facebook page for the garden i look after
We have all those birds here too, except greenfinches. We used to have loads of them but a nasty disease has wiped them all out, I haven't seen one for months now.
Song thrushes are just a delight how lovely to see and hear them every morning.
I'm really thrilled about the long tailed titsI hope they are here to stay!
The best things in life are not things.
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