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Bumble bees


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  • Bumble bees

    Following a visit to Harrogate flower show
    We have ordered a hive from a supplier with the queen , workers etc
    Which will be delivered .

    I'm wondering if any of you have done similar . In the past or present .

    What do s n don't , have you experienced etc

    I'm all for helping these little insects .
    They are undervalued in their importance in agriculture and horticulture .

    So far I have lavender , Fox glove, borage etc all growing well .
    Though understand they will roam far and wide for food .

    My only concern is that these will be commercial bees .
    How they will survive and thrive with the ones in the wild and vice versa

    If we managed to get a few queens to over winter some where
    Start a new colony
    Im doing my bit for the bumbly

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  • #2
    Well done you. I did the same some time ago, regretablly wax moths invaded the colony too easily on the first occasion and the colony succumbed. I moved the location the following year and the same unfortunately recurred. Now the manufacturers have re-designed the entrances on the newer models to combat this so this should no longer be as big a problem.

    The bees will co-exist with the wild ones quite happily and despite my experiences above the bee population in and around my garden is flourishing, only yesterday I uncovered a raised bed that had been covered for the winter to discover a thriving bumble bee colony in the middle of it. This is now protected to allow it to continue where it is, I'll plant around it. Of note though was the number of wax moths also running around on the bed - the colony should cope with this though.

    Good luck and I hope it goes well - if it does then expect to find queens overwintering in your pots in significant numbers.
    The cats' valet.


    • #3
      Would be great to see pics as it progresses and grows. Bees a cool little creatures , missus hates them and is amazed I do my utmost to get them outside when they are trapped indoors.

      Saying that, she acts the same with most things not on two legs lol

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      • #4
        Aye , il take a few photos , from next week
        Hopefully there will be plenty of food in or around the local fields for them

        May seem a daft question , will they find there own water supply to take a drink from .
        They might end competing with our pet pheasants for a drink in the pond

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        • #5
          They will find their own water but as you have the pond available they should be sorted.
          The cats' valet.


          • #6
            Have a look at the pics on this thread compo

            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • #7
              Thanks for the link ,
              For better or worse , I've got one of them hives !

              Interesting point from the bumble conservation about imported bees

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              • #8
                I've read through the links, threads relating to bumblebees .
                Both from this forum and a general internet
                I accept the point of view about importing bees , the pros n cons etc

                So take any of criticism about our decision to give them a go

                Last year was our first year in out new house and garden .
                We noticed bumblebees on the borage , geraniums etc
                This year I have planted out lavender , some more borage on its own this time in 55cm pots .
                As well as various wildflower mixes .
                Like the countryfile free seeds .

                I have read online they can cover upto 3 to 4 miles looking for pollen .
                A trial at Newcastle university suggests they travel further than first thought

                We have gone for the bee pol villa .
                Although our garden is not massive .
                We have open fields and countryside nearby for them to roam
                Hopefully there are plenty of hedgerows , gardens , farmers crops to visit .

                Il take a pictures before next week as to where we intend to place the hive plus surrounding areas .

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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Compo72 View Post
                  Following a visit to Harrogate flower show
                  We have ordered a hive from a supplier with the queen , workers etc
                  Which will be delivered .

                  I'm wondering if any of you have done similar . In the past or present .

                  What do s n don't , have you experienced etc

                  I'm all for helping these little insects .
                  They are undervalued in their importance in agriculture and horticulture .

                  So far I have lavender , Fox glove, borage etc all growing well .
                  Though understand they will roam far and wide for food .

                  My only concern is that these will be commercial bees .
                  How they will survive and thrive with the ones in the wild and vice versa

                  If we managed to get a few queens to over winter some where
                  Start a new colony
                  Im doing my bit for the bumbly

                  Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app
                  I always have loads of bees on the sunflowers when I grow them. I've see the small bee houses in the garden centre, about �25, are they any good?

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GinaD View Post
                    I always have loads of bees on the sunflowers when I grow them. I've see the small bee houses in the garden centre, about �25, are they any good? Wondered if anyone had used one and if they are useful as I was thinking of buying one.

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                    • #11
                      Well bumblies arrived yesterday

                      I apologise for the poor quality of the pictures using my iPhone

                      I have placed the hive as recommended in a sunny spot in the morning and shady , rest of the day .

                      The hive arrived well packaged and was easy to set up .

                      Me and my wife spent a good while watching the hive from the kitchen window .
                      Only to to see about half a dozen bees make the daring trip outside

                      The first couple reappeared in about ten mins trying to get back in the hive .
                      Unsure how to get back in through the wax moth guard on the front of the hive .
                      Then one brave little bumblie must have thought I'm going for this . Burrowed or battered his way in .
                      Wife said it must have been a male bee , no finesse in its approach .

                      Tbh I expected a few more comings and going in the hive .
                      Then again they had enough food for 24 hrs supplied

                      The forecast is rain today . I do hope the bees are adventurous this morning .
                      Otherwise I'm concerned they will be out of food .

                      Our pet phessie was looking perplexed with us watching him and the hive through the window

                      Unsure if the pictures will upload , apologies if they don't , must be getting old !

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