I saw a blackcap for the very first time last week, and it was in my little garden! Had to get the bird book out to be sure, as I thought they were only summer visitors. And I've just seen him again today, on the fat balls I've hung out. Absolutely fantastic!
No announcement yet.
They are gorgeous aren't they - I was so pleased to find a pair of them regularly visiting my garden over the last couple of years- and some juveniles- the bird food makes a big difference! Mine like the berry suet strandsWhooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
Oh, and a wren has taken over the bluetit's nest box for the winter.
I'm hoping the bluetit is sleeping in one of the two other boxes - I can't see those boxes so well at dusk which is when the birds whizz in to bed.Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
Endless wonder.
Just been outside to see if the blackcap is there - only to find a little group of bluetits instead. I thought, that is a small great tit with them - but it was a coal tit! Lovely to see one in my garden!Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
Blackcap - sings more beautifully than A Nightingale in MHO
I never saw, nor heard a Blackcap until I came to live here at The Funny Farm, and when I did, I heard THE most melodic sound by our side gate, stopped digging, edging towards the sound, until I could actually SEE where the sound was coming from.
I'd never seen that bird before, and never heard that sound, so I looked it up in my book.
Male Blackcap, woo hoo!....female brown cap on top of the head joined him much later.
And they've been visiting, and singing in our back garden now for at least 3-4 years.
Never yet discovered where they're nesting, nor seen their young or them feeding them in our garden, more's the pity.
But feel really blessed to have them so at home here.
Yes, Blackcaps overwinter a lot more nowadays than they used to. I even saw a female in December on the feeders just outside the hide at Cresswell Pond nature reserve on the Northumberland coastline.
I love the song of this bird and cannot wait to hear his wonderful tune once more in the coming weeks. I'm so lucky to have an allotment next door to Hulne Park which has a good population of these delightful warblersIf I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....https://www.thecomfreypatch.co.uk/
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