I left thdm to freeze in the pot of hay I put them.in origionally :/ I just didnt look at them. Suppose ignorance is bliss sometimes eh.
I brought the shrews in for the day and night thinking they were to little etc etc, they had my life! Some how 2 jumped out and were running up.and down.my kitchen for what seemed forever! The next day I put them out under a carpet I have put over plants I want dead so hopefully.they will be ok, thdy seemed quite robust little critters
I brought the shrews in for the day and night thinking they were to little etc etc, they had my life! Some how 2 jumped out and were running up.and down.my kitchen for what seemed forever! The next day I put them out under a carpet I have put over plants I want dead so hopefully.they will be ok, thdy seemed quite robust little critters
