I have a 60m stretch at the bottom of the garden that I need to close off. I intend putting a hedge in over the next month or so. I've been told it'll take 180 quicks to do it. It's �50 for 100 quicks so won't be overly expensive. I made a failed attempt at planting a hedge 3 years ago on a 10m section of it. I planted berries that I need to move now because they're getting smothered by encroaching willow from across the stream and nettles. I planted rosa rugosa and they'll stay, they're doing fairly well.
I'm assuming the quicks are whitethorn/hawthorn so that's grand, I'd like a little mix of other things too though. Maybe a dozen or so blackthorn for the sloes, I have a few more rosa rugosa to plant out and I'll dot them among it. I wouldn't mind some Holly but that might be expensive, surely 2 or 3 won't break the bank though so I'll get them. I have stuff in pots that needs to go somewhere so might mix it in too. There's on beech, about three spiky green bushes that get lovely orange flowers, can't remember what they're called. They're not really what you'd see in a normal hedge though so I may stick them in at the front somewhere. I have about 10 little trees that I grew from seed but they might be too small to plant out for another few years. They're anywhere from 6" to 12" at the minute so still very young.
Should I stagger the hedge so it's kind of a double hedge? Other than blackthorn, whitethorn, roses and a few holly, is there something that should be in an Irish hedge? I might throw in a blackberry bush every 5-10 meters.
I'm assuming the quicks are whitethorn/hawthorn so that's grand, I'd like a little mix of other things too though. Maybe a dozen or so blackthorn for the sloes, I have a few more rosa rugosa to plant out and I'll dot them among it. I wouldn't mind some Holly but that might be expensive, surely 2 or 3 won't break the bank though so I'll get them. I have stuff in pots that needs to go somewhere so might mix it in too. There's on beech, about three spiky green bushes that get lovely orange flowers, can't remember what they're called. They're not really what you'd see in a normal hedge though so I may stick them in at the front somewhere. I have about 10 little trees that I grew from seed but they might be too small to plant out for another few years. They're anywhere from 6" to 12" at the minute so still very young.
Should I stagger the hedge so it's kind of a double hedge? Other than blackthorn, whitethorn, roses and a few holly, is there something that should be in an Irish hedge? I might throw in a blackberry bush every 5-10 meters.