As i said Anubis sat on the cocktail sticks - but the good news is that he hasn't come back there. Mid you I have caught him staring at me in a mean fashion I'm sure he is up to something. Hathor, of course, being a lady doesn't do that sort of thing, she quite likely gets Nubie to do it for her. After all our lovely sunshine last week we are now being washed away by the rain. Ro
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Eskymo, I was reading back through the posts and found yours about moving house. We bought our house from people who had kennels for the cats protection league, they left two little pottery cats in the garden with the explanation that that was where they had buried two cats so we would know and I never disturb those spots. I realise that it would only work if the new people were cat lovers but its worth a thought.
Originally posted by rosheenTell me people, as a cat lover (Hattie the Cattie and Anubis the beast of Bodmin), how do keep these adorable little beasts from defacating upon ones newly dug drills etc. I have tried some commercial products, pine needles, coffee grounds and so on. To no avail. Is this a case of choosing between my beloved Veg plot or my darling Kitties ?
Only problem, of course, is waiting for the plants to grow!!
Hils, 'Scardy cat' is called 'Coleus canina' & you can buy the plants from Thomson & Morgan. I don't know if you can buy seeds I think they are only sold as small plants, they do a plain green & a variegated one. The plants have small flowers in the summer & a peculiar smell if you touch them. I was given some of them when they first came out a couple of years ago but didn't think much of them, the cats didn't dig right next to them but just ignored them & the slugs just loved them.I think they are fairly tender as well - mine just disappeared & didn't come back- don't know if it was the slugs or the frost that got them.Into every life a little rain must fall.
What a giggle....
Anyway to join in the showcase, here are mine:
Ginger one is Woody and Black one is Pip. Don't blame me for the names... Woody came named and Pip was origionally PinkyGot them both from Battersea Dogs Home 4 years ago. God knows why they've put up with us so long but we couldn't have wished for better cats. Me and OH were both dog people when growing up as that's what our parents had but I'm converted. They're so much easier to care for which is essential as we both work full time.
Woody is bully beef, sole mate to my 3 son and best friend/scrounger to the neighbours. Pip is 'mine' (when we first got them, OH was studying away during the week for months so he latched on to me...), goes near no-one in the neighbourhood and knew I was pregnant with my little boy before I did (I was suddenly not even allowed to go to the loo on my own unless I wanted the door yelled down, and promptly had a cat attached to me for 9 monthsShortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
hi all
Glad to see that i'm not alone with the fat cats of the world.
I have a mother and daughter. Mother is a big black and white thing called Zebra she keeps getting stuck in the upstairs banister which is not funnt at 6 in the morning i think she does it now just to so as we are up wwe will let her out (as she is to big for the cat flap).
Daughter is a tabby long haired thing and is called mostly she takls all the time and i only have to put the kettle on and she jumps into my chair which is MOSTLY annoying !!!!
We have just moved to a village and have found to stop the cats christening the veg patch, breaking down old bamboo canes helps vegs grow upright and the cats give up when they cannot find aa area in which they dont have a sharp pole up the bum !!!
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