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  • #31
    Just a thought on costs - have you tried your local council recycling dept? We have access to really cheap compost bins/water butts etc as well as womeries and bokashi bins...its worth a try as they're about half the cost of anywhere else!


    • #32
      Originally posted by david_m_thomas View Post
      We have a family of 5 and are filling up each bokashi bin every 4-6 days! We're getting through the bran about twice as fast as they suggest and it also means that the full bin does not have enough time to fully ferment/rot so I am just emptying the "oldest" one into the compost bin at our allotment when we have 2 full bins.

      Any suggestions? We're considering using the bokashi bins for cooked food and a standard compost caddy for fruit & veg peelings, etc.

      Will the bokashi waste continue to ferment/rot in a compost bin/heap?
      Good grief, the two of us take a couple of months to fill one but I don't put anything in that will go in a normal compost bin so it's only cooked stuff and animal products. It works better that way and much cheaper.

      With regards to putting it in the compost bin, that's what I've been doing with ours, but making sure I dig it in properly and it seems to help the heap as a whole and speed it all up loads.

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #33
        Originally posted by david_m_thomas View Post
        We have a family of 5 and are filling up each bokashi bin every 4-6 days! We're getting through the bran about twice as fast as they suggest and it also means that the full bin does not have enough time to fully ferment/rot so I am just emptying the "oldest" one into the compost bin at our allotment when we have 2 full bins.

        Any suggestions? We're considering using the bokashi bins for cooked food and a standard compost caddy for fruit & veg peelings, etc.

        Will the bokashi waste continue to ferment/rot in a compost bin/heap?
        Keep squashing it down! We're a family of 4 and it takes us 3-6 weeks to fill a bucket!
        Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


        • #34
          I was lucky - I got a pack of 2 bokashi bins & the bag of bran from Tesco for £10.50 about a month ago when they were selling them off. It's only about a third full at the moment as there's only the 2 of us & I haven't been putting tea bags in as it says not to on the instruction leaflet. I used to always put tea bags in the compost bin but don't anymore as I got fed up with the 'cloth' being still intact when I came to use the compost. I suppose you could tear the bags open & just add the tea leaves but it might be a bit messy!
          Into every life a little rain must fall.


          • #35

            Originally posted by PCGreenthumb View Post
            Can only get the £25 pound containers from recycle now if you live in a particular area, typically not Hampshire by the looks of it!
            Hi PCGreenthumb

            I ordered mine about 3 weeks ago from the recycle now website and I'm in Southampton so hampshire were taking part then. Got it and its working really well, has plenty of juice and contry to the instructions I am putting t-bags in and have no problems-hope this helps.




            • #36
              I put teabags in mine too.
              Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


              • #37
                Originally posted by JennieAtkinson View Post
                I will have to put a T-bag questionnaire out at work - everyone has their own!
                Could i just ask if you dont mind, what the hell is a t-bag questionairre?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by mrs dog View Post
                  Can't you just buy a 70p bag of bran from the dreaded tesco's does it have to have anything else in it why do you have to send away for something that is so easy to get in the shops? Confused! Mind it doesn't take much! Jan
                  I've just watched this on youtube. Shows how to make bokashi bran. Its got a few other things in.
                  YouTube - How to Make Bokashi


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