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Wiggly wrigglers worms!


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  • #31
    Now Look You Lot!

    Last year, I had 2 or 3 tomato plants and a couple of growbags with courgettes in. A couple of months ago I stumbled onto The Grapevine after buying a copy of GYO. Now I have the back garden filled to the brim with containers for all the seedlings I have in the 2 mini green houses I bought, OH has built me a raised bed in the front garden ( no room left out back) next to which are 6 compost bags of potaoes, some garlic, and growbags for tomatoes. I have bought a compost bin from local council, and put my name on the list for an allotment. Now I'm thinking Hmmmm, wormery. Can you please stop posting really good ideas and interesting projects
    Do it! Life's too short


    • #32
      infectious ain't it.. I bought a bread maker after conversations on here, hardly use it now as the bread goes off quite quickly.

      I ordered the COW from GYO mag page 69 with �10 off and 3 bars of ethical chocolate free.

      It arrives Tuesday at work to me, and i have to bring it home disguised from OH.

      I'm trying to convince him it would be better if he dropped his nieces 1st birthday card to her on his way home from work, that way i can get into the house with 2000 worms unnoticed.
      Blogging at.....


      • #33
        I've had my wormery for about 3 years now - they dont eat that much (less than the kids do anyway!!) but I do find if you chop the peelings until quite small it makes it easier for them to digest it. I also keep them in the shed over the winter (feel sorry for them out in the cold and the covers for them are so expensive. I also dont use the moisture mat but do add lots of newspaper on the top and that seems to do the trick and stops the little fruit flies in the summer. Good luck with them...
        Life is too short....


        • #34
          Hello Genuisscuffy, welcome to the vine,

          thanks for the advice, i'm discovering that lots of people seem to have wormires but keep quite about it.

          Sort of in the closet really.

          I think we should start a secret wormery supporters club.

          Blogging at.....


          • #35
            My kids went to school and announced they had 1000 pets - the teachers face was a picture until they explained.
            Life is too short....


            • #36
              lol! My kids took some worms in a old ice cream tub- but weren't allowed to open it because of health and safety rules!! It was only worms and newspaper LOL!


              • #37
                There here..all 200 of em....

                Well the Wormery is installed with very little fuss or fan-fair, the best bit is I've eaten one of the 3 free bars of free chocolate that came with it, OH thinks the Wormery is a BBQ (just darent tell him what it really is), and i have given my new free catalogue to a pal at work and he's placing an order as well.

                So far so good.
                Blogging at.....


                • #38
                  I hope your OH doesn't start lighting the wormery then seasprout! It is coming up to bbq season


                  • #39
                    It's now officially .........A Digester.
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