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Rats in compost


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  • Rats in compost

    We have a dalek type compost bin on the plot and Mr Ratty keeps burrowing in! Are we doing something wrong? I thought they were only a problem if you put cooked stuff in but we've only put veggie waste/grass clippings/cardboard etc in.

    Apart from encasing the whole of the bottom of the bin with chicken wire or something similar is there anything we can do?

  • #2
    This is inevitable really. Is it causing a problem for you?
    Last edited by Capsid; 26-07-2008, 09:40 AM.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      you might try putting a 'floor' of wire mesh (or similar) across, extending well beyond the 'dalek'. The bit actually under the composter can be trimmed away, or it will probably soon rust through anyway. If they have to get 'below ground' a long way away, it may be a deterrent. Same principle as the 'skirt' on the eglu run for keeping foxy out.
      Might not work, but worth trying.
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #4
        Its not really a massive problem - there is a stream which runs alongside the allotment site so I suspect its inevitable that there will be a few. I just wondered whether there was anything we could do so that we could avoid having complaints from a certain neighbour of ours!


        • #5
          Are you sure they are rats? If you have a stream nearby they are probably water voles.


          • #6
            Do encase it with strong wire, I had the same problem till I did just that and (touch wood) it has seemed to do the job.
            "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

            Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


            • #7
              Strong, small gauge wire is the best solution, the rats are kept out, but worms can still get in and the fluids caused by the rotting veg can still drain away. A really determined rat might still gnaw its way through the plastic, especially around the little doorway thingy that you get on the dalek type of bin, but it doesn't happen often, usually the wire is sufficient to send them away to find easier pickings.
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                We have chicken wire under the base, sort of folded up the sides. It works.
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


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