Does anyone out there have a reed sewage stystem if so can you tell me exactly how it works.
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Not got one but have been involved in putting them in, usually as a polishing treatment in remote areas. They can be pretty good at reducing the biological oxygen demand and suspended solids in the influent. What do you need to know?
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
Well Alison we live in a remote part of the country and want to have a reed bed instead of a septic tank but cant seem to find out if you just plant the reeds or also need to put in a septic tank as well ie kaljester type thing, do you reeds break down the solids?
CAT Publications at - A friend who has just installed a reed bed system suggested that this was where he started.
I think you need to be planning to clean, or "mostly clean", the effluent before introducing it to the reed bed which will in effect do the final clean, and provide the a buffer for any unusually high flow (normally excess input from storms, but in a domestic scenario probably mega-party-syndrome applies!)
Our sceptic tank is getting towards the end of its life, and I'm keen to install a Kaljester type system which will deliver water clean enough to use for irrigation and possibly clean enough for pond-top-up too. I expect this would reduce our water consumption by 1/3rd to 1/2 - which would please my green-side a lotK's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden
I know Garden Organic at Ryton Cov, has a reed bed system fitted, but i have no idea how it works.
Pongy problem proves wildlife attraction at Garden Organic Ryton - News story from Garden organic
I'm sure ive seen a book about it somewhere.
Perhaps you could ask them...Blogging at.....
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