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Compost bin help


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  • Compost bin help

    I've had my first compost bin going for about 10 months now and I have been very attentive by putting loads in it-veg scraps every day and shredded paper etc. I also put garden trimmings, nettles etc. I turn it over sometimes but maybe not enough, I'm not sure. A couple of times, it has been filled to brimming then shrunk back down to about half full. Now, the problem is, it doesn't seem to be turning to compost quick enough. I don't thik it gets hot ever and I'm sure it is supposed to.

    I did make the mistake of putting in dead leaves, (didn't realise until it was too late that I should have rotted them on their own,) but that was only a couple of weeks ago so that is not the problem.

    I haven't tried urine yet and would rather not but will if I have to! What else can I do to accelerate the process?

  • #2
    Mine have slowed down a bit, I think its the cold weather. Composting relies on heat and I think it's just a bit too cold at the moment. Keep turning though as this lets the air in and helps the process. I'm sure there will be more tips coming along soon.

    Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


    • #3
      Ours too is full, we 'juice' every day and even though there's only two of us the bin is too full to get any more stuff in. We don't have much waste at all at the moment but even the little we have we're struggling to put in the bin. I'm sure once it gets warmer it will all speed up with a vengence. I might get dh to go and turn it today though.


      • #4
        Hmmm i wouldnt worry too much, you seem to be doing okay, mine is the same, sometimes full, then ya when it comes to the season starting, you will start to reap the benefits. It also depends where you situated the bin, direct sunlight is best, heats it up quicker. I turn mine once a week. Why dont u use the nettles to make a nettle stew to feed your toms with? I was once told by a gentleman, on our site, to rot down rhubarb leaves in water, then once a week, sprinkle over cabbages, to prevent clubroot and does work!
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


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