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Cow manure versus horse manure


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  • Cow manure versus horse manure

    Hello veggies

    Do any of you have any info on the above? I have heard that cow manure is better for your plot. I have been given the opportunity to get horse manure.
    Is it worthwhile or just better than nothing?

    Any opinions?

    Be good to gardeners

  • #2
    I've used well rotted horse manure before and it seems to do a good job. I now prefer well rotted chicken manure as I keep chickens and know exactly what goes into them
    Freedom is a road seldom travelled by the multitude


    • #3
      As far as I am aware the main problem with using horse manure is that a greater number of weed seeds will survive passing through a horse's digestive system. Cows are ruminants and will digest the weed seeds.

      Both horse and farmyard manure (well rotted of course) are great for the veg plot. Just a little more work with the hoe if using horse manure. A small price to pay for all that good stuff going into the soil.
      It is the doom of man, that they forget.


      • #4
        Hi Guys

        Three trailers loads have arrived, not as well rotted as I had hoped. I am having to layer it on top of my plots (apart from this year's carrots and parsnips one of course). I do not in have any options. Already piled it up in every available spot.
        Have any of you got any experience of doing this? I guess it is not the best thing.

        Be good to gardeners


        • #5
          Free Manure.........Hi every body. Just found this site. If anybody has the storage I have plenty of horse manure free to a good home. Its fresh of the filed which has not been treated in five years therefore no problems there. I can deliver locally or bring your trailer and fill it up. We are just south of Cambridge on the A10. email me [email protected]


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