So I understand you're not supposed to add manure and lime at the same time.
Would it work if lime was applied a few weeks, maybe a month before the manure?
And what's the deal with lime and green manure, can lime be added once the green manure has been turned in - or would it upset the rotting process?
And here ANOTHER question - a month ago I mulched a lot of my fruit plants with horse poo - and since that we've had very little rain, so the poo has just dried up on the surface. Has this rendered it rather useless. I know digging it in would be better but raspberries for example had dangerously shallow roots.
Would it work if lime was applied a few weeks, maybe a month before the manure?
And what's the deal with lime and green manure, can lime be added once the green manure has been turned in - or would it upset the rotting process?
And here ANOTHER question - a month ago I mulched a lot of my fruit plants with horse poo - and since that we've had very little rain, so the poo has just dried up on the surface. Has this rendered it rather useless. I know digging it in would be better but raspberries for example had dangerously shallow roots.