i know it seems a daft question to pop in my brain this time of night, but i wonder whether the nature nuture debate applys to gardening. i always thourght my gardening interest was nutured as my grandad loved his gardening and grew lots of fruit and veg and staying most friday nights till saturday afternoon as a child, used to help him in the garden (eat lots of carrots and peas and pull the odd weed) but as a grandad didnt think it was hereditary. hes my mums dad and my mum isnt great at gardening, while in the car with my dad the other day my dad shocked me to the core, you see im 28 and in 28 years ive never seen my dad pull a weed, speak anything about gardening or mention hes ever done anything other than repair a lawn mower so mum can mo the lawn, also they have only had a lawn for the last 7 years it was a weed pit for my entire life before then, so imagine the look on my face when chatting about my allotment when dad said oh i used to grow, toms, potatoes, peas, beans other veg ect and i used to grow crisamthamums (cant spell that word sorry) and show them apparently he was a master at them. i was so shocked i rang my sister to confirm it wasnt a wind up shes 20 years older than me, and its true, but dad gave it up 8 years before meeting my mum so he hasnt done any for about 38 years, sis said she could never play ball in the garden as a child i could but then had to find it in the weed pit. so i now think green fingures are hereditary
as it seems i get mine from both sides so at least mine are anyway. also dad may just turn into a little garden gold mine as my dads first wifes dad was a head gardener for some big hospital so dad got loads of pointers info and help that if he can remeber all these years on i can maybe use, ive told dad hes free to chip in with advice, hes not that abled bodied these days due to ill health at 71 but hopefully he can still feel useful. however i have no interest in flowers just fruit and veg,
what does anyone else think, are your green fingers herditary or been nutured through interest out of nowhere?

what does anyone else think, are your green fingers herditary or been nutured through interest out of nowhere?
