Last year we took on allotment.LOTS of dandelions, horsetail (YUK), couchgrass.
As we had a lot of clearing to do it all went into the same crate and has been topped up ever since.
I know these dreaded weeds shouldn't be composted, but this pile was mearly a dump to put it somewhere,and wasn't intended to be used as compost.
The pile has gradually sunk, but has been added to. Will the stuff at the bottom be any good to use as compost or will it best be gotten rid of at the tip?
We have a green plastic compost bin that we are putting other stuff into now.
I have read horsetail etc can go on compost after it has steeped in water for a few weeks.
As we had a lot of clearing to do it all went into the same crate and has been topped up ever since.
I know these dreaded weeds shouldn't be composted, but this pile was mearly a dump to put it somewhere,and wasn't intended to be used as compost.
The pile has gradually sunk, but has been added to. Will the stuff at the bottom be any good to use as compost or will it best be gotten rid of at the tip?
We have a green plastic compost bin that we are putting other stuff into now.
I have read horsetail etc can go on compost after it has steeped in water for a few weeks.