Originally posted by Headfry
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Keep Aminopyralid banned.
We need a final push to get more signatures on the epetition. Petition to: refuse to reinstate Aminopyralid as a weed killer in Britain. | Number10.gov.uk
The last date for signing is 23 October so there is little time to spare. MPs are being directed to the petition and so it could have an affect of convincing them that there is concern out there. One MP at least has even signed up - maybe we need to encourage more of them to support us. I have tried to encourage high profile gardeners to sign up but with little success.
Please encourage as many people as you can to sign, post on as many forums as you can or on your own website or blog or social network page. Recommend the page to one of the web sharing utilities such as Stumbleupon. Anything you can think of - just take a couple of minutes.
The ACP had the problem again on the agenda of their last meeting and should post the minutes today but none have arrived yet. When I find them I will post on this web page Manure 5Last edited by glallotments; 11-02-2012, 02:51 PM.Try visiting my websites and blogs
The ACP minutes have been posted with hardly any mention of AP just
2. Agenda Item 2: Secretary�s report. [ACP 3 (339/2009)]
2.1 The Secretary to the Committee reported on the recommendations made at previous meetings. Members heard that Ministers were considering advice given at the last Meeting on aminopyralid.
So it seems it is now in the government's hands.
I have also just had a phone call from a reporter from the Yorkshire Post -it seems DOW have issued a press release which implies that they are poised to reintroduce AP onto the market.Try visiting my websites and blogs
Looks like a lost cause!!!
New! Information on the lifting of the suspension of aminopyralid approvals
Latest on DOWs website
New! Information on the lifting of the suspension of aminopyralid approvalsTry visiting my websites and blogs
What a joke! As if taht stewardship scheme will work!
The fact that Dow offered to come and collect contaminated manure shows how dangerous it is!
Is it actually banned? Dow claim they voluntarily withdrew it, in which case the government would actually have to ban it not keep it banned?
Looks like they just waited for the fuss to die down before selling it again. Probably the same thing will happen as last time in a year or so when it is responsible for killing off loads of crops.
It was a voluntary temporary withdrawal but with conditions for reinstatement.
The PDS/CRD statement was:
PSD has accepted this and amended the approval of all products containing aminopyralid to suspend the approval for sale, supply, and use with immediate effect whilst further investigations are undertaken.
The proviso for reinstating the licence was that the revised stewardship programme passed muster which it seems to have manged to do in the government's eyes.Last edited by glallotments; 06-10-2009, 05:34 PM.Try visiting my websites and blogs
It's now impossible to trust our old stand-by of horse manure unless the person provided it used only their own hay.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View PostI continue to sign these petitions too Steve. I feel its important to show my concerns, but I fear they carry very little sway with the decision makers.Try visiting my websites and blogs
I've also signed it. In addition, I've written to my MP and asked him to support it too. He's been historically a bit hopeless when it comes to standing up for us (his election promises have included things like keeping post offices and libraries open, none of them have been kept) but adding actual MPs to the fray probably can't be a bad thing.
Can't believe they are seriously putting this rubbish back on the market.
The CRD reasoning behind the reapproval of the licence for AP is on it's website here
Aminopyralid - new approvals
A point that I was drawn to was:
"The second product is for use against invasive and pernicious weeds in amenity situations (e.g. ragwort and Japanese knotweed on roadside verges, railway embankments or industrial areas) which are rarely grazed and where there is no fodder or manure collection".
I just wonder how much this will impact on indigenous wild flowers?Try visiting my websites and blogs
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