I'm thinking of putting some manure on my three one metre square raised beds (and indeed of using it in my tomato pots), so have ordered some Levington's Organic Blend Farmyard Manure this year. However, I am understandably nervous of putting it on the beds, as if it ended up being contaminated, well, that's me out of veg growing, as I don't have room for any more beds, or any more garden to dump such a lot of soil... 
Does anyone know the contact details of Levington (to email them and ask all those questions about the manure that were advised in older threads/links here)? Or indeed has anyone already asked them and got a response? Or are the odds a bit better to avoid contamination this year? Not panicing, honest!

Alternatively, if the risk is too large I could just bin it I suppose and hope that the bokashi thing (just started, not quite sure yet, lol) will work out to just dig it straight into the beds under crops and revitalise the soil. Kinda wishing I had room for a composter.
Edit: Actually, should I worry about the compost I am getting - Miracle Gro, which states "this composts exclusive mix of natural organic and peat free ingredients mixed with organic fertiliser, which feeds plants for up to 6 weeks, makes this the ideal compost for growing fruit and veg organically and 100% free of chemicals." I guess natural organic means poo...

Does anyone know the contact details of Levington (to email them and ask all those questions about the manure that were advised in older threads/links here)? Or indeed has anyone already asked them and got a response? Or are the odds a bit better to avoid contamination this year? Not panicing, honest!

Alternatively, if the risk is too large I could just bin it I suppose and hope that the bokashi thing (just started, not quite sure yet, lol) will work out to just dig it straight into the beds under crops and revitalise the soil. Kinda wishing I had room for a composter.
Edit: Actually, should I worry about the compost I am getting - Miracle Gro, which states "this composts exclusive mix of natural organic and peat free ingredients mixed with organic fertiliser, which feeds plants for up to 6 weeks, makes this the ideal compost for growing fruit and veg organically and 100% free of chemicals." I guess natural organic means poo...