Hi veggies, just a little info about the multi purpose compost with added John Innes, I purchased 6 bags from local DIY centre(guess who!!)
chose the WESTFIELD as it was best on offer, and got it home, cut open to sieve for my potting on needs and found the bags full of straw like material, FULL OF STONES and GRAVEL...no use for anything!!! Shop wouldn't take it back so i threw it in my potatoe sacks...what a waste...
It's even worse as i have already potted on using WICKES mpc, all my seedlings are now in green compost...worst one i have ever bought so redone them all..feeling let down and in future i'm sticking to top brands..whatever the cost...

Emailed WEstfields to complain but has anyone else had this s***....
chose the WESTFIELD as it was best on offer, and got it home, cut open to sieve for my potting on needs and found the bags full of straw like material, FULL OF STONES and GRAVEL...no use for anything!!! Shop wouldn't take it back so i threw it in my potatoe sacks...what a waste...
It's even worse as i have already potted on using WICKES mpc, all my seedlings are now in green compost...worst one i have ever bought so redone them all..feeling let down and in future i'm sticking to top brands..whatever the cost...

Emailed WEstfields to complain but has anyone else had this s***....