Last autumn I scraped off the top six inches or so of active worms from my wormery and put the remainder of the compost into a bin for use in the spring. I forgot to put the lid on the bin and following a period of prolonged rain found the contents of the bin covered in 2 inches of water. I tried removing some of the water but eventually gave up and left the bin in the greenhouse to dry out.
The worm compost has now dried out sufficiently to use. I was very surprised to find small worms living in the soil. They are quite small, only an inch or two long, and very thin, but unmistakeably red earth worms. I don't understand how they could possibly have survived, first having been submerged and then exposed to the winter. They were under water during the cold spells, and the top at least must surely have frozen. Has anybody else had this sort of experience?
The worm compost has now dried out sufficiently to use. I was very surprised to find small worms living in the soil. They are quite small, only an inch or two long, and very thin, but unmistakeably red earth worms. I don't understand how they could possibly have survived, first having been submerged and then exposed to the winter. They were under water during the cold spells, and the top at least must surely have frozen. Has anybody else had this sort of experience?