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  • privit

    A fellow allotmenter gave me a bag of grass mixed with privit trimmings saying that I should put it ontop of the cardboard covering my plot which I am covering with our collected coffee grains, leaf mould and grass clippings from our garden.

    I left it back on his plot as it also had couch grass in, and Ive heard that privit doesnt break down and is very acidic. Is this the case?

    I tried not to offend him by saying that we had a regular supply of coffee etc so did not need it.

  • #2
    As I understand it you can use privet and yew and one or two more plants which are technically poisonous, as long as they are composted. The composting process breaks down the toxins. Not sure I'd just whack it on fresh as a mulch though. It's better to compost these materials seperately, not in with your other stuff, and you can mulch with them after 12 months or so.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      I agree entirely with Flummery. Privet - I hate the smell of the stuff, ack
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        I agree entirely with Flummery. Privet - I hate the smell of the stuff, ack
        I only hate the smell of privet flowers. They really make me feel nauseous.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Like cat wee
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            As well as the privit, the barrow load of semi rotted grass with perennial weeds had been urinated on too. Now I dont mind bunging a bit of me own wee on to speed up the process, but as you can imagine it was pretty unpleasant!!

            Thanks guys, thought it was bestnot to bung it on the beds as he advised. Hope he wasnt offended but really didnt like the look of it all! Didnt want to bung it on our compo cos of the perennials plus thought privit would take an age to rot down.




            • #7
              I'm not being funny but Buerk.

              How horrid!


              • #8
                Yep not good! His steaming privit is not the only nightmare.... Hes very friendly but there all the time, from 7am. So he's always there. I made the mistake of giving him my number so he could tell me when deliveries were happening etc and he keeps ringing! He is a bit obsessed with people sabotaging his plot, and wants to sue the organisers of the site etc. Talking to council etc. He has some valid points, but is making it personal, and its getting heated.
                My little bit of heaven is becoming a bit of a nightmare! I went and planted in the rain yesterday cos I knew no one would be there!



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