Hello there - not been on the forum for ages (trying to stay off the 'puter!) just wanted to ask about other grapes experiences about Bokashi bins and the compost tumbler.
My Bokashi bins simply do not seem to be producing the goods. The first time over winter they were great but since Feb I have had diddly squat. I'm not going to bother anymore tbh. I have loads of bran left over which I can give to the chooks (I rang the seller about this all - they were only too quick to advise this ..makes me wonder) and the bins themselves are absolutely ace for producing that stinky nettle fertilser - so I can put those to good use too.
The tumbler HAS broken things down (and is quite quick in doing so) but I really wouldn't say that it would be any good to put on beds. So for the meantime - I am popping it in with leaf mulch for next year.
I'm a tad miffed tbh - I spent a fair amount of ££'s on trying to create good compost and fertilser but neither seemed to have worked that well as intended.
I also wanted to query how good the tumbler compost would actually be. My father mentioned that normally compost needs to get very hot in order to kill off nasty viruses that you wouldn't want to transmit. He's very old (but lovely) school though - so was questioning this...any sciency boffs out there?
Hope you're all enjoying this fantastic weather still nice and sunny in Suffolk.
just wanted to add - just offered the bran to the chooks - it's a no-go. They tried, then left it all. Does anyone have any ideas what I could do with 3 bags of the stuff? stick it with the grass cuttings etc in the tumbler? .... aha - just read that it needs mixing in at 4% - so will try this as well. Aids digestion and neutralises poop so poop can go directly onto garden (apparently). Gosh I must have the poshest chooks - on Garvo feed with Bokashi added in.
My Bokashi bins simply do not seem to be producing the goods. The first time over winter they were great but since Feb I have had diddly squat. I'm not going to bother anymore tbh. I have loads of bran left over which I can give to the chooks (I rang the seller about this all - they were only too quick to advise this ..makes me wonder) and the bins themselves are absolutely ace for producing that stinky nettle fertilser - so I can put those to good use too.
The tumbler HAS broken things down (and is quite quick in doing so) but I really wouldn't say that it would be any good to put on beds. So for the meantime - I am popping it in with leaf mulch for next year.
I'm a tad miffed tbh - I spent a fair amount of ££'s on trying to create good compost and fertilser but neither seemed to have worked that well as intended.
I also wanted to query how good the tumbler compost would actually be. My father mentioned that normally compost needs to get very hot in order to kill off nasty viruses that you wouldn't want to transmit. He's very old (but lovely) school though - so was questioning this...any sciency boffs out there?
Hope you're all enjoying this fantastic weather still nice and sunny in Suffolk.
just wanted to add - just offered the bran to the chooks - it's a no-go. They tried, then left it all. Does anyone have any ideas what I could do with 3 bags of the stuff? stick it with the grass cuttings etc in the tumbler? .... aha - just read that it needs mixing in at 4% - so will try this as well. Aids digestion and neutralises poop so poop can go directly onto garden (apparently). Gosh I must have the poshest chooks - on Garvo feed with Bokashi added in.